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  • Writer's pictureJonathon Licht

Be kind to one another, no matter the differences

What is on your mind? On my mind is that while we are divided as a country, it should be understood by both sides. We as a country have the right to different opinions, rather you like them or you don't. You have the freedom to your own ways. We as a divided country should not attack one another just because their views, each side has extremists. Each side has good and bad. Its ok to be divided, but it is not to attack them for that. I have seen friends, lovers, family and much more in all different situations split from another where they no longer talk to eachother.

In order for us as a nation to get along with one another, its not by who is in office or who holds power. It starts with you, the people. We are the ones that have to accept people for who they are, don't judge by political views, race, or ethnicity.

I feel like once we get here, then the nation can start going in the right direction. So the next time you eant to share that you are about to say somthing about someone based on how they look, or that next political post or comment. Take a step back and dont feed it, instead say tell them who you are and that you just want to get along ans end the fighting. We are one and we all bleed. We don't need anymore wars, we need healing. So be kind to one another.

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